Termékek csomagküldési szolgáltatás (55)

Kockázott Polip Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger Gyümölcsei

Kockázott Polip Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger Gyümölcsei

Pepus diced octopus is chopped and carefully tinned with oil. Eating it slightly hot and with paprika makes it even tastier.
Bébi tintahal olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Bébi tintahal olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The squid is stuffed with its own tentacles through a delicate and artisanal production process. It is cleaned by hand one by one and olive oil is added. A tender and delicious snack that surprises with its flavor and texture.
Ecetes Szardínia Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Ecetes Szardínia Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The sardines fished in September are the best quality ones. They are steamed and packed in oil or pickled sauce, or cooked with tomato.
Sardínia Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Sardínia Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Sardine in Vegetable Oil- Pepus
Ecetes Kagylószósz - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Ecetes Kagylószósz - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The mussel from the best rafts in the Ría de Arousa is collected and fried in virgin olive oil. Later, pickled sauce made from vinegar, paprika and selected spices is added. Pieces:12/16 Pieces:3/4 Pieces:4/6 Pieces:6/8
Kagyló ecetes szószban (kicsi) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Kagyló ecetes szószban (kicsi) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus mussel is cultivated on the best platforms and selected by size. It is then fried in olive oil and prepared in mild pickle.
Fűszeres Szardínia - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fűszeres Szardínia - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The sardines fished in September are the best quality ones. They are steamed and packed in oil or pickled sauce, or cooked with tomato.
Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban Xeito - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban Xeito - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

It is fished with the ‘xeito’ technique, a sustainable fishing art that guarantees the top quality of our fresh products. Steamed and hand packed in rich olive oil, this process preserves the sardine’s natural flavour and texture. Option 1:3/5 Option 2:8/10
Fehér Tonhal Olívaolajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fehér Tonhal Olívaolajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus white tuna is meticulously elaborated with the best parts of the fish and, later, it is canned in olive oil.
Baba Szardínia Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger Gyümölcsei

Baba Szardínia Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger Gyümölcsei

The Pepus baby sardines are fished during the autumn months. Then they are steamed and packed in vegetable oil.
Fehér Tonhal Olajban (Csomag 2) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fehér Tonhal Olajban (Csomag 2) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus white tuna is meticulously elaborated with the best parts of the fish and, later, it is canned in olive or vegetable oil.
Fehér Tonhal Ecetes - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fehér Tonhal Ecetes - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The Bonito del Norte is caught in the Cantabrian Sea between the months of June to October with selective fishing gear, one by one, with hooks. It is characterized by its white and tender meat, smooth flavor and juicy texture. It is canned and covered with a mild pickled sauce. It does not contain gluten. Food suitable for celiacs.
Bébi Tintahalak Tinta - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Bébi Tintahalak Tinta - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The squid is stuffed with its own tentacles through a delicate and artisanal production process and left to rest in its own ink. Pieces:10/15 Pieces:3/5 Pieces:5/8
Világos Tonhal Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Világos Tonhal Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The Bonito is fished in the Cantabrian Sea, after cooking the most valued part of the Bonito, with a honeyed texture and great flavor, virgin olive oil and salt are added, a natural product made from a high quality blue fish and numerous properties for health.
Könnyű Tonhal Olívaolajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Könnyű Tonhal Olívaolajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus light tuna belly is made with the best part of the fish. It is canned with care and bathed in olive oil.
Makréla filé - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Makréla filé - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Mackarel Fillets- Espinaler Option 1:10/12 Option 2:14/16 Option 3:16/20
Fűszeres Kis Sardínák Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fűszeres Kis Sardínák Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

In September, we fish and select our best quality sardines. Steamed and hand packed in rich olive oil, this process positions the sardine’s natural flavour and texture on the centre stage. Pieces:10/12 Pieces:14/16 Pieces:16/20
Polip Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Polip Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The Espinaler octopus is cooked to achieve its extraordinary texture. Later it is chopped to present it cut into slices and packed in olive oil or Galician sauce. Pieces:3/5 Pieces:10/15
Kagyló ecetes szószban (Nagy) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Kagyló ecetes szószban (Nagy) - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus mussel is cultivated on the best platforms and selected by size. It is then fried in olive oil and prepared in a mild pickle.
Sardínia Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Sardínia Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The sardines fished in September are the best quality ones. They are steamed and packed in oil or pickled sauce, or cooked with tomato.
Fehér Tonhal Hasú Olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fehér Tonhal Hasú Olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Bonito is made with fish caught in the summer months when large groups approach the Cantabrian Sea. It is characterized by its white and tender meat and juicy texture. The 100% natural product is cooked and olive oil and salt are added, or pickled sauce. Pieces:10 Pieces:24
Bébi Tintahal Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Bébi Tintahal Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The squid is stuffed with its own tentacles through a delicate and artisanal production process. It is cleaned by hand one by one and olive oil is added. A tender and delicious snack that surprises with its flavour and texture. Pieces:10/15 Pieces: 3/5 Pieces:5/8
Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

In September, we fish and select our best quality sardines. Steamed and hand packed in rich olive oil, this process positions the sardine’s natural flavour and texture on the center stage. Pieces 01:10/12 Pieces 02:14/16 Pieces 03:16/20
Könnyű Tonhal Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Könnyű Tonhal Növényi Olajban - Pepus - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pepus white tuna is meticulously elaborated with the best parts of the fish and, later, it is canned in olive or vegetable oil.
Sardínia Paradicsomszószban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Sardínia Paradicsomszószban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The sardines fished in September are the best quality ones. They are steamed and packed in oil or pickled sauce, or cooked with tomato.
Fehér Tonhal Hasában Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Fehér Tonhal Hasában Olívaolajban - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The Bonito is fished in the Cantabrian Sea, after cooking the most valued part of the Bonito, with a honeyed texture and great flavor, virgin olive oil and salt are added, a natural product made from a high quality blue fish and numerous properties for health.
Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Baba Szardíniák Olívaolajban - Premium Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

In September, we fish and select our best quality sardines. Steamed and hand packed in rich olive oil, this process positions the sardine’s natural flavour and texture on the center stage. Option 1:20/25 Option 2:30/40
Pácolt Kagylók - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

Pácolt Kagylók - Espinaler - Hal, Hal és Tenger gyümölcsei

The Espinaler razor clam is marisqueda in pure waters, at its optimum moment, in order to preserve all its properties. It is a product highly appreciated for its quality and texture. This product has been seafood, processed and packaged without interruption to preserve freshness and flavour. Special care has been taken in cleaning it, to remove sand. Pieces:10/12 Pieces:14/16 Pieces:20/30 Pieces:6/8 Pieces:4/6 Pieces:7/10


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